Shipping & Returns

Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. We make the returns process as easy as possible, but all returns require a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA). Request an RMA at the bottom of this page.

Unopened Items

Most unopened items in new condition may be returned within 30 days of receipt for a refund. Non-returnable items include special order or customized products, encoded cards, opened or used items including ribbons, cards, and cleaning kits.

Defective or Incorrect Merchandise

If you received a defective item or one that is different then what you ordered, please contact us within 30 days so we may resolve the issue promptly. In order to determine if a printer or system is defective, we may need to set up a troubleshooting session with our ID experts.


Refund amounts will be applied to the original payment method or as a credit, if requested.

Return Details

  • All returns and exchanges require a valid RMA number and our subject to our return policy.

  • Returns must be packaged in the original manufacturer's packaging (both inside and outside) and contain no additional markings.

  • Any manuals, cables, warranty cards, static bags, etc. must be included with the return.

  • Original shipping fees are not refunded. Return shipping and insurance fees are the responsibility of the customer.

Shipping Policy

We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations.

Shipping Methods

We ship our products worldwide. UPS is our carrier of choice for both domestic and international transactions.

Free Shipping on $99+ Orders Terms

Free shipping is available for single orders over $99 (excluding sales tax) that are shipped to contiguous (mainland) US addresses. UPS Ground shipping charges cannot be credited toward other shipping methods.

International Shipping

For international addresses, we use UPS worldwide shipping.

International orders may require customs, import and export taxes, which are the customer’s responsibility. Shipping times may also be affected by customs delays.

Depot Repair Shipping

For warranty depot repairs on equipment, the customer pays shipping fees to the depot center and will pay shipping fees to send back. Please contact us first for depot repair services. Shipments to our store address without a service ticket will be refused. Note: It is very important that you keep the original box for all equipment purchased from to ensure the proper handling of equipment being shipped.

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